(A note from Jon Itomura, Executive Director at Hawaii United Okinawa Association: "The translation for the Japanese characters is read in Okinawan... "Miree Ya Kugani" , A Bright Hopeful Future ". Japanese will read Okinawan words differently because Okinawa, like the Hawaiians, did not have a written language, thus, words and names are often mis-read as the Okinawan word is read differently from the literal translation of the Japanese characters. Japanese Mirai = Future / "in okinawan" and Korean = miree, Kugani "in Okinawan" = gold)"
lee tonouchi + Hawaii United Okinawa Association + PLAYBUILDERS =
1 great Local kine
Okinawan community-Based Play !
OkinawaN Talk Story Circles
With PlayBuilders of Hawaiʻi Theater Company
3 Sundays, 4 pm in February 2025!
(Feb 2, 16, and 23)
At the Hawaii Okinawa Center's "The Chaya"
PlayBuilders is honored to be working with the Hawaii United Okinawa Association and playwright Lee Tonouchi to create a community based play in honor of 125 years of Okinawan immigration to Hawai'i and the world. The play, will be produced by PlayBuilders with HUOA in 2026, and will be directed by Reiko Ho.
If you are of Okinawan heritage, please choose to attend 1 or all 4 story circles to share your family's story of immigration and contributions they have made. If you are not Okinawan, please invite your friends to come talk story. Story Circles are fun and your friend's stories may be included in the play.
If you are of Okinawan heritage, please choose to attend 1 or all 4 story circles to share your family's story of immigration and contributions they have made. If you are not Okinawan, please invite your friends to come talk story. Story Circles are fun and your friend's stories may be included in the play.

Story Circles are an important part of our community collaborative play making process. In this photo a community is reading transcribed stories from past story circles.
To understand what to expect at our story circles in February, please copy and paste the following link into your browser and take a look at this YouTube video.
To understand what to expect at our story circles in February, please copy and paste the following link into your browser and take a look at this YouTube video.